Welcome, you have found our page to become an intern of Winners Only Club, LLC! As an intern, you are responsible for the social media growth at your college/university as well as creating content centered around your college. An example of this would be to post photos and videos of happenings from around the school or writing articles about your colleges athletic programs. As Winners Only Club continues to grow, you will be able to take credit as a pioneer and highlight this growth on your resume as you search for jobs post graduation. Who knows, we may even be the company that winds up extending you an offer. This is an unpaid internship and we are not opposed to having multiple candidates from a single school/university to help manage your workload and collaborate with.

We will be giving out goals throughout the program and with guided instruction from our Internship Manager, we hope we can give you the needed experience to help boost your resume to get the dream job at the next level. To apply, we will need for each student to fill out the google form below. We hope to hear from you soon!